Have you ever looked at one of your shadows and thought “Damn, I wish I could find an eyeliner in that shade…” ?
Well, think no more! Inglot has the solution for you. The magic liquid that will turn any eyeshadow into a liner is here and answers to the name Duraline.
The Duraline comes in a 9 ml/0,3 US fl. oz bottle with a convenient dropper on the cap, so you can take the minimum amounts necessary to convert your powder products into liquids. It’s consistency is a bit thicker than water, reminiscent that of syrup and of course is clear. With the button on top of the cap you control the suction and release of the dropper.

As described by the company
“Duraline is a special transforming liquid that will turn any (Inglot) powder eye shadow into a liquid formulation.”
and “Waterless clear liquid that can intensify the color of any powder and transform it into an easy to apply, water resistant liquid. ”
My,my…they really know how to getcha…
The caution reads : “Flammable.Avoid contact with the oral cavity.”
…ok, that’s a bit scary but I’m gonna let that go for the time being.
As a liner lover myself, I couldn’t have let this go. And today, I put it to the test, not just with Inglot eyeshadows, but with ALL kinds of formulations and breeds of shadow I had lying around. And here’s what happened…

All in all, the only one that was a bit trickier to do, simply because it was the first time I played around with the product, was the glitter. But I stillĀ managed to get a pretty decent result.
NOTE: When working with pressed shadows in a pan, wet your brush and make sure to just hit the very edge of the pan OR, alternatively, scrape the desired amount onto a palette/clean working surface and mix it in with the liquid there. The Duraline will temper with the consistency of the product.
I think I can say that I really like this product so far. It definitely comes in handy whether you are experimenting with different looks all the time or you want to save money on eyeliners. It won a spot in my makeup kit. Congratulations, Duraline!
At this point,I should mention that the Duraline can also be used to revive dried up gel/mousse eyeliners.Bonus points!
The magic in a bottle retails for $9.00. Are you gonna get it?